PES Succesfully Holds Sharia Economic Outlook 2022 In Jakarta

Jurnalis: Rifan
KABARBARU, JAKARTA – Islamic Economic Youth (PES) held an activity with the theme “Syariah Economic Outlook 2022, Challenge and Prospect” on Wednesday, December 15, 2021. This theme was raised under the challenges faced by the economy in general and the Islamic economic and financial sector in particular due to the existence of The Covid-19 pandemic in early 2020 is believed to have a significant impact on current and future socioeconomic conditions.
The development of the Islamic economy, on the one hand, gave birth to joy over the optimism of the future of the Islamic economy as an “alternative economic system”. The development of the sharia economy should not only rely on the financial sector but needs to be strengthened in the real sector so that it presents new challenges for quality improvement, opportunities, and challenges, future expectations as well as strategies and recommendations consisting of macroeconomic clusters, Islamic commercial finance, Islamic social finance, products, and services. And also Islamic finance and the halal and hajj industry in Indonesia.
Islamic Economic Youth (PES) has a mission and vision to create a sharia economic ecosystem by remaining in the sharia system. The real sector needs to be encouraged to go hand in hand with the monetary sector in developing sharia economics.
The implementation of sharia economics is at the level of large corporations and the people’s economy to the bottom tier. The Islamic economy is not lagging in its digitalization implementation from existing developments, including a digital-based creative economy.
Sharia Economic Youth (PES) encourages the necessary steps to develop the sharia economy, including building a policy of having a strong legal umbrella, disseminating and promoting the sharia economy.
In his remarks, M. Faizin SE, as the General Chair of PES, said that the Islamic economy is not only the banking sector but can enter all sectors by creating a sharia economic ecosystem while remaining within the rules or sharia system.
Presenting a competent resource person, the Director of the Department of Economics & Sharia Finance, Priyono, raised the role of Bank Indonesia in the development of sharia economy and finance.
In the talk show, many participants came from MSME actors, Fintech companies, cooperative institutions, academics and campuses, where they were very enthusiastic about the talk show.
In the future, cooperation with every stakeholder is needed to support the sharia economy, including the regulations that support it.
The development of physical and non-physical infrastructure for all sharia industrial sectors as well as a sharia-based creative economy is an important part to be carried out as a new acceleration,” concluded the Chairperson of the Sharia Economic Youth (PES) M. Faizin SE.